segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

20 dicas de Ali Edwards

(traduzido e postado por Carla Cavellucci Landi no )

1. Get over what you "think" it should be and just allow it to be ("it" will be something different for every person).
nao ligue pro que voce pensa que alguma coisa tem que ser e somente deixe ser (o 'alguma coisa" sera diferente para cada pessoa)

2. Examine how you look through the lens of your camera. What do you really see? What are you looking for? Next time you pick up your camera let yourself play a bit more by looking up, down, to the sides, etc. of your subject. There are so many interesting things out there in the world. I am particularly interested in the ways things meet together - people, places, things.
Examine como vc olha atraves da lente da sua camera.
O que vc realmente ve? O que vc procura? Da proxima vez que vc pegar sua camera, permita-se brincar um pouco. Olhe pra cima, pra baixo, dos lados etc... do assunto que vc esta fotografando. ha tantas coisas interessantes no mundo. Eu me interesso particularmente pela forma comoa s coisas se 'encontram" - pessoas, lugares, coisas.

3. White cardstock is always a solid choice for the foundation of your layout. I love it. It is my go-to color of choice.
cardstock branco eh sempre uma escolha certa para a base de seu layout. Eu amo. Eh a minha cor preferida.

4. Mix up your page sizes. For the last year I have been experimenting with all sorts of different sizes - this is a huge creative boost. Online lately I have seen really cool pages that are 6 inches x 12 inches, 4 inches x 12 inches, 8 inches x 8 inches, etc. Don't limit yourself to one size.
Misture os tamanhos de suas paginas. Desde o ultimo ano eu venho experimentando todos os diferentes tamanhos - isto da uma alavancada na criatividade. Ultimanente tenho visto na Internet pagians realmente interessantes que sao 15x30cm, 10x30cm, 20x20cm... nao se limite a um so tamanho.

5. Keep an inspiration journal. This is the one of the best things you can do for your creative self. Don't judge what you write in it or put in it - just use it and abuse it and let it be a place for the things that are scrambling in your head. For a long time I have had too many of these and it began to feel way to scattered. Recently I have combined it into one notebook - forcing myself to use just one and go with it.
mantenha um caderno de inspiracao. Esta eh uam das melhores coisas que voce pode fazer pelo seu 'eu" criativo. Nao julgue ou critique o que vc vai escrever ou colocar nele - so use e abuse e deixe que ele seja um lugar para voce colocara s coisas que estao passando pela sua cabeca. Ha muito tempo tenho varios destes (cadernos) e comecaram a ficar muito espalhados. ha pouco tempo reuni tudo em um caderno - me forcando a usar apenas um e continuar com ele.

6. Repetition.Probably my favorite design principle: do something once and then do it two more times. Three is a very nice number. Repeat colors. Repeat shapes. Repeat accents.
repeticao. provavelmente meu principio de design favorito. Faca alguma coisa uma vez e entao faca 2 mais vezes. Tres eh um numero muito bom. Repita cores. Repita formas. Repita enfeites.

7. Expand yourself. Find something else to learn about next: a new interest, a new subject. Learning stuff fills you up, gives you more to draw from when you sit down to create.
"Amplie-se". Encontre alguma coisa mais para aprender: um novo interesse, um novo assunto. O aprendizado "preenche" vc, te da mais opcoes qdo vc senta para criar.

8. Note to self: there is no perfect layout.Forget about perfection; rather adopt an attitude that you will learn something from each layout you complete. Maybe it will be a new way to combine colors, create embellishments, or crop your photos. Maybe it will be that you totally dislike the way you did something. Make a mental note and move on to the next thing.
lembrete: nao ha o layout perfeito.. Esqueca sobre a perfeicao. Ao inves disso, adote a atitude de que voce ira ap[render algo de cada layout que voce fizer. talvez seja uma nova forma de combinar cores, criar enfeites, ou cortar suas fotos. Talvez seja que voce detestou completamente a forma como voce fez alguma coisa. faca uma anotacao mental e siga em frente.

9. Alphabet stamps in classic typefaces are great for the long haul. Here's a couple favorites: Hero Arts Printer's Type or Basic Upper Case.
carimbos de alfabetos em fontes classicas sao otimos para uso por um longo tempo. Dois favoritos: Hero Arts Printer's Type or Basic Upper Case.

10. Layer. When you are putting a layout together think in terms of layers: cardstock, patterned paper, transparency, stickers, stamps - what can you add on top of the last layer to make the piece more interesting?
camadas. Qdo vc monta um layout, pense em termos de camadas: cardstock, papel decorado, transparecia, adesivos, carimbos - o que vc pode adicionar sobre a ultima camada para fazer sua pagina mais interessante?

11. Learn how to be self-critical without putting yourself down. How do you do this? As you create stuff ask yourself "does this really need this accent? Am I adding to the overall story or am I adding it just to add it?" There's no right answer - it's more about developing a general awareness and connection with yourself as you are creating. Be ok with stopping yourself and moving on to the next piece.
Aprenda a fazer auto-critica sem se desmerecer, desmotivar. Como voce faz isso? Enqto vc cria algo, pergunte-se "isto realmente precisa deste enfeite? Estou acrscentando algo ao todo da historia ou somente acrescentando por acrescentar?" Nao ha resposta correta - eh mais sobre desenvolver uma consciencia geral e conexao com vc mesma enqto vc cria. Fique tranquila por "se interromper" e mudar para outro projeto.

12. Just stick it down. If you have been looking at a single layout for days and days and days it is probably time to just stick it all down and move on the next. Isn't it awesome that there is always another story to tell?
Cole!! Se voce esta olhando pra um unico layout por dias e dias e dias eh provavelmente hora de colar tudo. Nao eh incrivel que ha sempre outra historia para ser contada?

13. You can never go wrong with circle or square punches.
Voce nunca erra com furadores de circulos ou quadrados

14. Collect stuff (and not just scrapbook supplies). Mail pieces. Tags. Bits of stuff. Cut it up. Grab a manila folder or a basket or a box (don't make it complicated) and stick stuff in there. Regularly dip back into that spot for ideas and inspiration.
Colecione coisas (e nao somente material de scrapbooking). Cartas, selos, tags, pedacos de coisas. Corte. pegue uma pasta ou uma cesta ou uma caixa (nao complique!) e coloque as coisas la. Regularmente "mergulhe" nisso para ideias ou inspiracao.

15. Read more about the Art of Finding.
leia mais sobre TheArt of Finding. (um post sobre como e onde encontrar itens para inspiracao)

16. Make sure you are in your scrapbooks. Take photos of yourself. Set your timer. Hand over your camera. Get together with friends to take photos of one another. Your kids and your family will thank you.
Certifique-se de que voce esta nos seus albuns! Tire fotos de vc mesma. Ajuste o timer, passe a camera para alguem. reuna-se com amigos para um tirar fotos do outro. Seus filhos e sua familia vao agradecer.

17. Bring your scrapbook talents into your home environment (also known as living with your art).Create collages to hang in your home. Enlarge and frame your favorite photos or layout. Create cool accents for your mantle with your supplies. There is so much that can be done with all those supplies you have collected to bring your hobby into the living areas in your home.
Traga seus talentos em scrap para a sua casa (tambem com=nhecido como "viva com sua arte") Crie colagens para pendurar em sua casa. Amplie e coloque molduras nas suas fotos ou paginas favoritas. Faca enfeites interessantes para a sua casa com os seus materiais de scrap. Ha tanto que pode ser feito com os materiais que vc vem colecionando de forma a trazer seu hobby para as areas de convivencia da sua casa.

18. Take some time to go back over all the layouts you have created and give yourself a hug for all the stories you have told. Taking a look at the body of your work will give you a whole new perspective on what you have done and where you want to go next.
Tire um tempo para olhar para todos os layouts que vc fez e de um abraco em vc mesma por todas as historias que voce contou. Olhar o todo do seu trabalho dara a voce uma nova perspectiva do que vc tem feito e o que vc quer fazer daqui pra frente.

19. Create less. Rather than doing a bunch of layouts just for the sake of filling up an album, spend more time on just a few stories that really have meaning for you and your family.
Crie menos. Ao inves de fazer um monte de layouts so pra 'completar um album" passe mais tempo em historias que realmente tem significado para vc e sua familia

20. Go make something right now.Stop whining. Stop coming up with excuses. Start now.
va fazer alguma coisa imediatamente! Pare de se lamentar. Pare de arranjar desculpas. Comece ja!!

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010


Natasha Bedingfield

I am unwritten, can't read my mind, i'm undefined
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending

Starring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun iluminate the words that you could not

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is when your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but i
Can't live that way

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is when your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is when your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is when your book begins

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is when your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten

Oh, yeah, yeah